Motherboard AK-SR7
Load Balance/ Fail Over :
- eaming provides traffic load balancing and redundant adapter operation in the event that a network connection fails. When another optional Ethernet Adapter is installed on the AK-SR7’s PCI slot, it can be grouped into teams with onboard Broadcom Gigabit NIC.
- Three schemes of load balancing are supported:
- Smart load Balance (SLB)
- Link Aggregation (802.3ad)
- Generic Kink Aggregation (Trunking)
- Failover Teaming : If the primary NIC in a team is disconnected because of failure of the NIC, cable, or switch port, the secondary team member becomes active, redirecting both inbound and outbound traffic originally assigned to the primary NIC. Session will be maintained, causing no impact to the user.
- The teaming feature supports most server-level network adapters (10/100 or 10/100/1000) from 3Com or Intel.